Every desktop computer uses an operating system. The most popular operating systems in use today are:

·         Windows

·         Mac OS

·         LUNIX

Linux -- is an operating system -- very much like.

LUNIX -- that has become very popular over the last several years.

The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds, was made available to the world for free. Torvalds then invited others to add to the kernel provided that they keep their contributions free. Thousands of programmers began working to enhance Linux, and the operating system grew rapidly. Because it is free and runs on PC platforms, it gained a sizeable audience among hard-core developers very quickly. Linux has a dedicated following and appeals to several different kinds of people:

·         People who already know UNIX and want to run it on PC-type hardware

·         People who want to experiment with operating system principles

·         People who need or want a great deal of control over their operating system

·         People who have personal problems with Microsoft

In general, Linux is harder to manage than something like Windows, but offers more flexibility and configuration options.

PEOPLE IS MOVING ON THIS OPERATING SYSTEM BECAUSE OF besides being the platform of choice to run desktops, servers, and embedded systems across the globe, Linux is one of the most reliable, secure and worry-free operating systems available.


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