If you want to make money online, the easiest way is to make money through blogging in which you don't need any skill, all you have to do is write a content and publish it. If your content is published, it will generate traffic to your content and you will be able to start publishing every piece of your content. You can easily create your own Monetize blog by following the instructions below. Earn By blogginer:- The process is fairly simple and I will try to explain it in 7 simple steps. Identify your blogging niche. Start writing content. Make sure it is original and not plagiarized. Put an eye catchy picture on your blog. Support your blog with a video (Video tends to engage readers higher). Make sure your content has SEO friendly keywords. WordPress is by far the best medium for creating your blog. Publish your blog, share it on different social media accounts.
for fiverr GIG ranking.✌ 👆 1. Find a niche that has less competition. 2. Focus on long-tail keywords. For example, instead of putting the keyword in you title as “web developer”, try using “WordPress web developer” 3. Use the same keywords in your Gig description. Never copy someone else’s GIG description. You can take ideas from other Gigs but never copy word by word. 4. Thumbnail of your Gig matters a lot. Make it impressive. If you do not know graphic design, try using Canva . 5. Use Tags, the tags help buyers with keywords so use tags intelligently. 6. The lowest price does not necessarily mean you will get the orders. 7. Stay online, literally 24/7. Sadly. Fiverr works this way. 8. Respond to the messages instantly. Do not wait for hours t...
Effective social media presence and for effective business outreach. 1- Facebook. The Use of a Facebook page with proper postings such as images, videos could do wonders for your business. Facebook is the most efficient way to deliver content around the world because it’s free by all means. It keeps alerting people about your brand, business, or books. Facebook has a lot to offer and still, there are so many things that will keep the platform going for long. 2- Instagram: There are a lot of chances that people will be attracted to longer-form texts on Instagram. Here is what works at Instagram: Take them behind-the-scenes. Send every business DM (message). Expand your reach with #hashtags. Collaborate and @mention others . Build anticipation and offer exclusivity. Go LIVE on your Instagram page Upload lots of videos (Videos is a new big thing) Bonus: Email: Through emails, you can also take total control of the creative and the distribution. Email might not become the playe...
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